12 Mar EventR Version 1.0 has been released!
Get ready for our exciting update! We’re thrilled to announce the release of version 1.0 of EventR. Head over to the app store now to download the latest version and experience all the new features and enhancements firsthand.
Available in: Google Play Store & Apple App Store
Release notes
EventR Team:
- Ability to access files when offline.
- Better functionality and UX for a user being booked into the same accommodation multiple times.
- Group itinerary chats are created by default for each itinerary.
- Users are removed from itinerary chats when they leave an itinerary.
- Chats show joined and removed users.
- Chat fix for opening links on iOS.
- Fix for direction arrows and text for home screen with no or empty itineraries.
- Fix for iOS and android for lower nav bar to properly determine height of insets for better UX.
- Addition and replacement of marketing accept screen.
- Fix for a link not pre-filling the users email on create organisation.
- Fix for displaying users not in itinerary but in an activity.
- Fix for data loss on auto refresh update.
- Fix for iOS chat button on profile page breaking app.
- Fix for team page displaying wrong metrics for groups and departments.
- Fix for android overlapping ui elements with systems navbar has been fixed.
- Updated our routing for better handling of requests.
- Added user’s country to profiles.
- Copyright and date year updated for all emails and relevant pages.
Coordinator Hub:
- To help with some caching issues have added an auto cache clear when encountering some issues.
- Addition of the logout button when loading takes too long. This logout also clears the cache.
- Fix bug for AI booking service page not displaying some data.
- Improved retrieval of itineraries including event dates and visibility in app.
- Fix country to be a required field on the event information page.
- Fix for import of itinerary data to a new itinerary.
- Fix for sidebar navigation with unsaved changes.
- Better handling of data requests from servers to speed up requests and cut number of requests.
If you have any questions or want to learn more about our EventR Team or Coordinator, don’t hesitate to contact us at contact-eventr@softpauer.com !