23 May EventR Las Vegas!
Earlier this month, the EventR team travelled to The Expo at World Market Center, Las
Vegas, Nevada, USA, for Event Tech Live (ETL) – the show dedicated to event technology.
From bag printing to lanyards, speaker management software to AI-generated selfie
cameras, the show – hosted twice a year in Las Vegas and London – showcases and
focuses on all the technology required to put on an event, and the people responsible for
bringing teams of people together at events. That is where the EventR app fits in – do you
move people from one place to the next? Do you take people to events? If so, EventR can
help you.
At the show, it soon became clear to us that, happily, there is no specific solution for where
EventR sits in the market. We bridge the gap between planning a traditional event – which is
what most other similar solutions on the market concentrate on – and the travel element,
where the solely travel-based solutions sit.
One of the things that the people we met at ETL most liked about EventR is that it fits into all
of their respective businesses, whatever they do. The longer people talked to us, the more
they could see how EventR could assist with what they are doing. It is one of those tools that
is needed by the majority of people we spoke to – but they did not realise they needed us, so
it was great to be able to give them something to sample at the show.
It was an extremely successful trip for us in terms of lead generation. The people we spoke
to were impressed that EventR caters for everything from family holidays and weddings, all
the way through to blue-chip companies who take hundreds of people on quarterly business
trips, and sports teams who move their people to weekly or fortnightly sporting events.
EventR offers something for everyone.
Talking to event organisers from various companies at the show, we found that lots of them
employ hundreds of people who are constantly going between events. One company we
spoke to sets up wi-fi at events such as Formula 1 races, and currently plans the travel and
logistics for its thousands of engineers on spreadsheets. Indeed, the use of unwieldy
spreadsheets was a common theme! Other companies we spoke to do not currently have
any formal system in place for managing and coordinating their staff at events, believe it or
not. Again, EventR can and will help them all.
We have found that every travel coordination solution on the market designed for teams of
people is what is called ‘single itinerary’, whereby every individual team member is given
their own itinerary. In addition, being able to view the itineraries of their fellow team members
is one of EventR’s USPs, enabling us to provide a better, more collaborative experience than
a simple travel solution.
The sports industry is our bread and butter owing to the vast experience of our founder,
Otmar Szafnauer – the former Formula 1 team principal – but ETL opened our eyes to a
much bigger market. As our potential market grows, our challenge is to continue to develop
the EventR app.
We had lots of great conversations with people who run the venues that host events – from
nightclubs and hotels to theatres and restaurants. All such businesses can promote their
offerings around a tentpole event, such as the Olympic Games or a Formula 1 Grand Prix.
Again, EventR can help bridge that gap. If, for example, you have a team of 30 people going
to an event, you might need to find a restaurant or a hotel that can take a booking for 30
people. Being able to connect event attendees with the venues hosting events is one of the
areas I am most excited by, and it is one of the things that the EventR team is working hard
to refine.
Watch this space and Viva Las Vegas!