Otmar Szafnauer, renowned for his roles as a team boss with Alpine, Aston Martin, and Force India, holds the position of Chairman at Soft Pauer and EventR. His extensive Formula 1 experience uniquely positions him to spearhead a groundbreaking partnership. Otmar is leading a collaboration that aims to revolutionize the intricate realm of event and travel management within Formula 1. Working with top motorsport organisations and their travel partners, Otmar is playing a key role in using the EventR app to simplify and modernise the complicated processes involved in event organisation and travel management. His leadership ensures that Formula 1 operations in this area are efficient and innovative.
Alex Powell - CEO
Alex Powell, CEO of Soft Pauer / EventR is leading up the Technical and visual development of the revolutionary EventR travel and event management app. Alex is a true pioneer of App development, having produced the official Formula 1 App for the launch event of the Apple iPad, and working in partnership with Best Water Technologies BWT to produce their world leading BWT home app, and Professional app. His portfolio of apps, also includes the new Pauer View gallery app design to allow friends and family to share the excitement of 360 degree images in VR headsets such as the Meta Quest 3.
About Eventr
EventR is the latest App from Soft Pauer, which is set to completely change the way individuals and companies manage their corporate and personal travel and event plans.
The EventR app provides a simple user experience, where users can add their travel plans, including flights, hire cars, hotels and events. Once your travel plans have been added to the app, they can then be shared with your travel partners or family, all those important details such as flight numbers and hotel bookings are then displayed on a timeline to all your fellow travellers.
“It’s just travelling made easy, so you can spend more time enjoying your holiday and less time worrying about your travel plans.” – Otmar Szafnauer
EventR is the latest App from Soft Pauer, which is set to completely change the way individuals and companies manage their corporate and personal travel and event plans.
Pauer View is the latest Meta App from Softpauer, we are entering the exciting world of 360 degree VR photograph and Video, making it easy for photographers and videographers to transfer images from 360-degree cameras such as the Gopro 360 to a gallery view in the Meta Quest series of VR headsets.
We design, build and grow market-leading digital products including apps, responsive websites, e-learning for organisations who want a solution that works.